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It has been a hectic and at times frustrating few weeks… Here is what has been going on!

The Build Has Started

You can check out the update video here.

The summary is that

1: We can’t start on the roof as it’s been unusually wet this month, (we desperately need the rain, so we can’t complain)

2: The builder has started to render the walls, dig the plumbing trench, and mark up the levels and electrics.

The Magazine did not happen

You may have noticed that there was no magazine last month!

It’s not that there was not stuff to say, or things to write, rather, a combination of work responsibilities, and unplanned week away in the UK to replan qa failing project, and technical difficulties with my magazine host conspired against me and I simply did not get the thing created! apologies. I will be issuing a bumbper edition this coming week.

Pinterest is in the early states

I also started looking at Pinterest to see if I can generate visitors to both my blog, and my Outside Activities book.

It is too early to tell what the impact might be, or how much effort is involved,

The AI tool is out of BETA

My AI prompt generator “Launcyh Prompt Pro”, has been in beta test for the past month, with real users feeding back on their experience.

The results have been insightful.
I prompt (the infographic) proved about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike, so that will go!

A couple of other prompts need to be enhanced to give consistent results.

The email prompts proved very popular and effective,

12 thoughts on “It has been a hectic and at times frustrating few weeks… Here is what has been going on!

  • Tony, it looks like you are a very busy guy! Quit inspiring to say the least. I need some of your energy. Great website lay out too. Thanks for sharing your video 🙂 . Let’s keep moving toward our success,

  • Tony, It’s very exciting to see your progress. You may encounter set backs, but your ability to accept them and continue on speaks volumes! I look forward to seeing your progress in the days ahead! Keep up the great work!

  • Hi Tony!
    I’m so glad that I got to watch the video of your home and property! These are exciting times for you! Your landscape views are beautiful! Please keep us posted on the building progression! ❤️
    You seem very business with several projects. I look forward to hearing about how your Pinterest account is developing in connection to your online businesses.
    I hope all continues in your favor!
    All the best!
    Milissa Neirotti

  • Hi Tony,
    Great work! You have a lot going on and much being accomplished even though somethings are not working out for now. So awesome to see your home coming along!!! Looking forward to seeing your continued progress on all fronts 🙂

  • Yay – Progress! I am so happy for you, and I look forward to seeing the final product. I have been following your blog and can’t wait to see it finished! I am curious to see how Pintrist works out. I have not considered this source but it is a great idea!

  • Hi Tony,
    It looks like your house is coming along nicely. Exciting times! I have built 3 homes in my time, and every time was always so exciting. Everything is brand new, and watching it go up so interesting to me. I can tell you are very excited. Good for you! I look forward to seeing it progress over time. Thanks!

  • Hi, Tony!
    I’m excited that they’re building your house!
    And your AI tool is coming along, too!
    SO many exciting things happening in your life.
    I’m really glad for you!

  • Tony,
    Glad to hear the house is coming along, even with the rain. Keep us posted. I am interested to hear how Pinterest works out.

  • Tony, I love your spirit. Your home is coming along quite nicely. I love hearing the updates… You’re doing a great job. Can’t wait to see the finished product one day… Bravo!

  • Hi Tony,
    Have to say that seeing your journey go forward has been very eye-opening!
    Wishing you all the best – and looking forward to the roof coming up!

  • Tony,

    Love seeing the progress on your house. I know it’s exciting times to see it getting started and each stage of the way. I know SJ and I had a lot of fun when we built ours.

    Keep pushing through, you’ll get there.

  • I feel so privileged that I get to see you work on the project from start to finish. The glass of wine that you’ll clink in the new kitchen is going to taste incredible.
    Well done Tony, you’re a busy man and still manage to document it all. An inspiration.
    I’ll look forward to the bumper addition.


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